Friday, April 20, 2007

Stay Tuned

Trying to find the time to keep this Blog updated over the past few weeks has been near impossible because of all the upheaval (not only am I swamped in work and upgrading our entire equipment but I'm also moving house!) but I promise to get things back on track so keep your eyes right here for all the exciting developments ahead.

I'm also hoping to have more Featured Vendors (bands, hotels, etc who offer great services that I can show on video) and I'll also give you a peek at some of the fantastic weddings we've covered. The coming weeks and months are going to blow you away because you all ain't seen nothing yet!!! Velvetine Productions are going to raise the bar yet again and you can watch us do so from the comfort of your home. And that invitation is extended to all my Irish videographer peers who are scattered around the country and regularly visit this page and our website That's right chaps... I know you're here :)

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