Sunday, April 08, 2007

All Work And No Play...

...makes Maurice a dull boy so I took off for the entire Easter weekend (though I'm going to cram in a bit of work tomorrow). Shane - who is a Mountain Leader when he isn't charming wedding guests from behind his camera - suggested that we should climb Mount Brandon. 8 of us slapped on some sunscreen and hiking boots and off we went.

Half way up I found myself looking for a nice place to lie down and die but when we eventually made the top it all seemed worthwhile - and I'll tell you, Coca Cola never tasted so good!!! Shane explained that we had burned 6,000 calories which is why the sugar rush from the cola was so fantastic.

It was a great weekend and several of us have agreed to tackle another mountain in a couple of weeks time and Shane is also going to take us rock climbing. I'd bring the camera but the truth is that I just don't have the time to edit any personal videos anymore. Pity, really... it would be nice to show everyone how friendly hill walkers and rock climbers are.

If you haven't climbed a mountain before I'd highly recommend that you try it. Contact a local hill walking club and travel with a guide or experienced climbers (can get tricky under certain weather conditions). I assure you that your body will ache but it's all worth it for the friendly people, amazing scenery, losing 6,000 calories, and the sense of achievement upon reaching the summit.

And bring a can of Coke!

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