Sunday, January 21, 2007

Inside Wedding Videos

It took me several years, endless training, and extensive research to get where I am with video today - and I'm still learning! Every time I bring my cameras to a wedding day event I meet new friends and make videos that exceed my clients' expectations. I've made and learned from my mistakes along the way and now I feel it's time to address my biggest mistake of all.

My biggest mistake was actually more of an oversight - I assumed that all brides knew what they wanted from their wedding video. How could they? After all, it took me several years to come to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the industry, there is a technological explosion happening around us that often baffles and divides videographers, and we the professionals are coining generic phrases like cinematic, timeshift, shortform, MTV edits, and contemporary docu-style to identify our products.

Are you lost?

If you are, well, you're not alone and these Inside Wedding Videos articles are designed to give you an insight to the past, present, and future of wedding video, what to lookout for, and advice on choosing a professional.

So, first of all, why should you choose to hire a professional videographer?

Why Have A Wedding Video?

Ask any of your married friends who don't have a wedding video what their biggest regret about their wedding day is and I can guarantee you that an overwhelming amount of them will say "I wish we had a video."

There are many types of wedding videos of varying standards which range from the sublime to "who gave our drunk uncle a camcorder?" Poorly produced video reflects badly on the industry as a whole but thankfully the horror stories are few and far between. For the most part, couples are thrilled with their wedding videos which actually grow in value as the years pass by.

A wedding video not only captures sight and sound but it also records things you may have missed that you will later cherish; your guests' reactions, the smile of a loved one, your groom preparing to go to the church, and the anticipation before you walked up the aisle to join him. These moments and memories can be relived by you time and time again and not only that, if you are blessed with children then they can share in your wedding day as well. After all, how many of you are lucky enough to have your parents or grandparents wedding video? And my next question... Would you like to have it?

Of course you would!

Couple all these good reasons with the work of a professional(s) who produce work that bares the same high standards you have come to expect from watching your favourite TV shows and I ask my final question... "Can you afford not to have a wedding video?"


Anonymous said...

thoughtful and incisive.

though written by an Irishman, the truths mentioned are universal, be it in the States or Far East Asia.

Thanks for a good, thought provoking read.

KMN said...

Jason: Thanks for taking time out from producing the best wedding videos in the world to visit my blog.

Readers: Jason - who makes great videos in the Phillipines - is not only an industry leader in just my opinion; he was recently showered with awards at a ceremony held in the States. A great filmmaker who is part of an elite breed who are striving and succeeding in redefining wedding videography. Thanks to Jaso and some of his fellow competitors, wedding video is celebrated in the Phillipines and it is first on the list for young couples!